Our bucket list pitch 2022-2023 – Where to travel next?

The reopening of the borders called for a drop of hope and an urgent revisiting of the travel bucket list. With traveling being the leading edge for all the wanderlust out there, myself included, six months passed 2022 beat with gentle rhythms of inspiration. Jumbling around, travelling, or at best planning it, safety and precautions run-up alongside the end of the pandemic. 

In spite of that, both National Geographic & Lonely Planet listed places to include in 2022 Bucket lists’, advocating it was time to take delayed travel plans out of the box and make them realities. Likewise, I think 2022, as any other year on the long run, is a curtain-raiser of new broaden horizon of travels and discoveries. Which is why I am listing some of my best destinations to consider in 2022 onward, (let‘s be realistic) equally for those who are willing to update their bucket list and those who are intending to start writing one. 

Without further due, here are some of the countless places to plan, or not to plan for 2023. We never know


Also known as ‘Salar de Tunupa’, this sea of salt is the biggest salt desert in the world which transforms into the world’s largest mirror following rain. A palette of perfection and undeniably the bucket list essential.

Located in Potosi in southwest Bolivia, this dry lake is an exceptional large salt flat. In a set of dazzling white, the landscape resonates through the sound of salt crystals whereas horizons loom and gently drop plane under your feet.

Every November, Salar welcomes several south American Flamingos and birds, adding to the peculiar green cacti a touch of unparallel charm.



There is an anonymous quote I read somewhere ‘It feels good to be lost in the right direction’. This one line rang a bell when I first came across a picture of the Marble Caves in Chile. Only accessible by boats or Kayak, Cappilas de Marmol portray a hidden gem in the middle of the General Carrera Lake. 

With over 6000+ years, these formations shape into caverns, columns, and tunnels where you can carve your way through mesmerizing hues of blue, green, blacks and yellow. The turquoise water, merging from the surrounding glaciers, brings mineral sediments to the lake, casting a darker blue glow under the sunlight. Still thinking whether or not to include into your bucket list?



From magical salt landscapes to mystic waters, the second entrance to 2022 bucket list takes us to Russia (no need to say, this one is definitely not for this year, now that the pandemic is almost over  political tensions are arising).

Another otherworldly natural grace gathering the oldest freshwater and the deepest body of water. Undoubtedly, the pride of Russia and unquestionably one of the wonders of the cosmos, especially during winter. 

It’s just breathtaking, with stunning cracks and amazing 3D frozen oxygen bubbles under the surface, this piece of land is likely to be any lost soul’s path to inner peace. I know frozen goes hand to hand with wintertime, yet Baikal’s lake displays a unique allure during springtime when the rosemary blossoms. Bucket-list, here is another entry.



Shining of the Karakum, Door to Hell or Gates of Hell, several names in a failed attempt to understand how a natural gas field collapsed into a cavern. Here is a place where 3 components welcome the visitors, camping sites, desert surrounding and volcano-like scenery. An anomaly that led to one of the most intriguing fire pits in the world.

The perfect spot for an evening fire camp, only this time, fire comes out of a crater in the middle of the desert, narrowing the work to setting the tents and enjoying the beauty of one or several nights near the red ribbon. Check it and you will understand the excitement behind this. 



Back to the Mediterranean Sea and the turquoise waters for those looking for a peaceful holiday. Menorca is the smallest and least known mass tourism island. With nearly 80 beaches and virgin Mediterranean costs, this island is definitely worth the detour. Amidst the spellbinding scenery, the gastronomy and the architectural heritage add to the mise-en-scène a flavor of instant lust. Be sure it went straight to my bucket list update.



Is 2022 the year to finally meet the Dragon of Asia? Regardless of the answer, Hang Son Doong is awaiting for me. The world’s largest natural caves, discovered in 1991 and internationally known in 2009, set the right scale to show off. In this natural masterpiece, an internal fast-flowing river sings through the echoing of the glorious cross-section of the Cave.

One of the greatest bucket list adventures gathering trekking, caving, climbing, and camping in a full expedition near the great wall of Vietnam. An extra for cave lovers, Hang Son Doong contains some of the tallest Stalagmites in the world and hides cave pearls behind the wall. 20Whatever, please be nice to me. My bucket list is ready. 



Famous as one of the jewels of the north, Chefchaouen is a small city located on a mountain North-Est of Morocco. It’s a piece of Moroccan authenticity that has been able to engage tourists with its tinny streets diving into the Mediterranean best-known signature: white buildings and blue patters. 

Surrounded with valleys and natural views to appreciate around a Moroccan cup of mint tea and sweet pastries, the blue painted city level up to a harmonious set of picturesque landscapes. A paradise to those seeking a one a kind getaway, a pearl to those trying to fairly reconnect with nature and a pending dream of teenager me’s travel destinations‘ list. 



If you google this place nothing will seem extraordinary. If instead you type ‘Silfra Fissure’ then the story takes a different twist. Behind what looks like another lake in Iceland hides a unique world site: a fault between two continental tectonic plates. 

When you think of being in two places at the same time, you usually picture open border countries or large states. What this place offers is the spectacular opportunity to dive between two continents, Europe on the right and America on the left. With several diving sites, beginners can enjoy Silfra Cathedral fissure while professionals can discover the depths of Silfra Lagoon.



Have you ever thought of the illusion of a sheet of water extending to the horizon? You know, that of the seduction and deception afterwards? Well, this place sure seduces with no mirage misconception.

The Huacachina Lagoon is a peaceful oasis 20 minutes away from Ica city. A paradise surrounded by gold dunes and sands, structured around lakeside promenades and vegetation. 

A lost LAND in the heart of the desert and yet a real hub for relaxation and sunbathing. A once in a lifetime experience and I personally wouldn’t want to miss it.



To wrap up, not only a location but a full country to widen ever more your 2022|23 travel bucket list. Belize, the snorkeling and diving bliss. Located in central America, it is with no doubts one of the biggest touristic hips. Small, easy to tour and time-friendly, Belize plays its cards well. With jungles and beaches this country certainly hides something for everyone. I mean, if we are talking about a getaway, this has to be it, right? With exploring ruins, discovering archaeological Mayan sites and barrier reefs beneath the surface on the daily menu, who wouldn’t want to detach from life to enjoy a simple laze under the sun?


According to Forbes’ website, people make an average bucket list of 11 destinations with the hope of visiting seven. I picked 10, nothing funny or fancy about it, just my lucky number. At this stage, a bucket list is the only virtual travel I can afford. So, whether this year or further on, keep your appetite to check those boxes you have always dreamed of. I myself have no clue on how the rest of 2022 will turn out, yet I chose to ‘not plan‘ my future plans through optimistically updating my dreamy weird bucket list for 2023.

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